
Keep a cool head and it’ll come with time

Keep a cool head and it’ll come with time



Regardless of the many good news and developments around hydrogen, there must of course also be a critical consideration of the aspects that may, for example, hinder or delay rapid build-up of production capacity. In addition to adverse influences due in part to misunderstood or counterproductive regulatory measures (EU/Germany) are aspects such as the shortage of skilled workers, supply chain problems and financing. (more…)

Bloom Energy – Price turbulence due to outlook 2020

Bloom Energy – Price turbulence due to outlook 2020

The reports are coming thick and fast: Chinese companies and some provinces are planning to initially invest US$17 billion in hydrogen technology.
Permanent energy supply with green electricity using Bloom-Boxes, © Bloom

The reports are coming thick and fast: Chinese companies and some provinces are planning to initially invest US$17 billion in hydrogen technology. A master plan already provides for 1 million FC vehicles on the country’s roads in 2030.
