
Using hydrogen in freight transport

Using hydrogen in freight transport

From left to right, Christoph Burkard, Caroline Schäfer, from Landesstelle Wasserstoff of LEA Hessen, and Matthias von der Malsburg, also with LEA Hessen, © Region Fulda

Christoph Burkard, Caroline Schäfer & Matthias v.d. Malsburg, © Region Fulda

During a media-effective ceremony on May 12th, 2022 at the event hotel Titanic on the Chausseestraße in Berlin, NOW GmbH together with German transport minister Volker Wissing cheerfully presented the funding decisions for the new HyStarter Regions and the participants in the second round of the HyExperts program. A good two years before, Martin Thaler, as the representative from the city of Fulda, likewise stood onstage in Berlin to accept funding from the federal transport minister, then Andreas Scheuer. It was 300,000, an outcome from the first call for HyExpert Regions. What has happened in the meantime? What is special about Hydrogen Region Fulda? (more…)

Where we are is way ahead

Where we are is way ahead

HyStarters and HyExperts of round 2

HyStarters and HyExperts of round 2

On May 12th, 2022, German transport minister Dr. Volker Wissing set off the next round of the HyLand program. Representatives from each of the 15 HyStarter and HyExpert Regions came to Berlin to hear the funding decisions from the ministry for transport and digital infrastructure (Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr, BMDV). In addition, Wissing announced another call for HyPerformer Regions – also for this year. (more…)

Region Series: HyExperts – Region Emscher-Lippe

Region Series: HyExperts – Region Emscher-Lippe


Preject chart, © HyExperts Region Emscher-Lippe

Preject chart, © HyExperts Region Emscher-Lippe

The region Emscher-Lippe lies at the heart of Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW) and consists of District Recklinghausen along with the district-free cities Bottrop and Gelsenkirchen. The two rivers Emscher and Lippe give the region its name. Nearly 1 million people live there, in an area of about 966 km² (373 mi2). It is one of the most densely populated areas in Germany, made up of large cities, rural areas and intermediate spaces. The companies there are mainly small and medium-sized enterprises, but global players are also present, a mix characteristic of NRW. (more…)

Hydrogen to ensure clean future at Lake Constance

Hydrogen to ensure clean future at Lake Constance

Hydrogen Regions, Part IV: HyExpert project – HyAllgäu


Before the start of the HyExperts study, the plethora of ideas surrounding hydrogen development in the Allgäu region near Lake Constance resembled a thread with many loose ends. But now thanks to the HyExperts funding program, backed by the German transport ministry and overseen by NOW, it’s been possible to quickly put forward concrete plans for a local field trial with the aim of producing and utilizing 1,000 metric tons of hydrogen a year in Allgäu. NOW’s HyLand initiative for the development of hydrogen regions in Germany has therefore given crucial impetus to the transformation of this area into a hydrogen economy.
