
Decentralized H2 plants can be economically operated

Decentralized H2 plants can be economically operated

Elogen-E100, © Elogen

Elogen-E100, © Elogen

Up to now, Germany has had an energy supply system that’s as centralized as possible. Large power plants generated electricity and heat, which was then distributed nationwide by means of an extensively branched infrastructure. With the emergence of renewable energies two decades ago, the idea of decentralization became increasingly widespread: since local solar and wind power plants or biogas plants generate electricity or heat on site, this energy can be used locally, without the need for loss-ridden transports. This basic idea is now also being pursued with hydrogen production by electrolysis. Whether such an approach might be sensible was investigated by the Reiner Lemoine Institut in its newest study “Netzdienliche Wasserstofferzeugung” (grid-serving hydrogen production). The results were presented in an online press conference March 10th, 2022. (more…)

Joint Effort to Transform the Energy Sector

Joint Effort to Transform the Energy Sector

Frank Zimmermann, H-Tec; Reinhard Christiansen, EdN; and Sönke Tangermann, Greenpeace Energy; © Greenpeace Energy

In 2019, Reinhard Christiansen, the chief executive of Energie des Nordens, or EdN, is continuing at the same pace at which he implemented his ideas last year. On January 24, he signed a purchase deal for another PEM electrolyzer, in addition to the 225-kilowatt unit, type ME 100/350 by H-Tec Systems, that was started up in October 2018. He is planning to have the new and larger ME 450/1400 device with a capacity of 1 megawatt installed in the German town of Haurup. Reportedly, this second plant will inject 3.75 million kilowatt-hours of hydrogen, produced from surplus wind power, into Germany’s pipeline system.

More Windgas, Fewer Climate Troubles

More Windgas, Fewer Climate Troubles


Sönke Tangermann, © Enver Hirsch

Scientific studies have shown that if we want to succeed in transforming the energy market, our priority needs to be long-term storage solutions and an integration of relevant sectors. One technology with much promise for the future is Windgas. But although P2G remains crucial to Germany’s success in meeting the COP21 targets agreed to in Paris, the federal government all but ignores it. The most recent example of the lack of awareness among policy-makers is the 2017 amendment to the EEG, Germany’s renewable energy law, from which gas produced by wind and solar is virtually absent. (more…)

Seventh H2Congress in Berlin

Seventh H2Congress in Berlin


Norbert Barthle

The German Hydrogen Congress is gradually turning into the most important event of the German hydrogen and fuel cell industry. Held in the Berlin office of North Rhine-Westphalia for two half days on July 5 and 6, 2016, it attracted as many as around 200 attendees this year. Compared to the last H2Congress at the same location two years ago, the number has increased by about 50 percent. (more…)

Power-to-Gas for Cheaper Electricity

Power-to-Gas for Cheaper Electricity

Greenpeace-wind-gasGreenpeace Energy presented a new study in August of 2015 according to which “wind gas” (gas produced with the help of excess power from renewable energy – hydrogen or methane) could contribute to strengthening the transformation of the energy sector. The 97-page comparison of future power supply with and without (more…)