
Power-to-Gas as the Battery of the Energy Market Transformation

Power-to-Gas as the Battery of the Energy Market Transformation


Solar and wind energy storage in natural gas grid, © Zukunft Erdgas

For years, renewables and fuel cells powered by fossil energy sources have been worlds apart, something that is changing – at least when it comes to natural gas. Many companies have realized that there are indeed areas in which both industries could benefit from collaboration. Several large associations have already started to emphasize commonalities instead of differences, especially regarding energy storage. (more…)

Change from CEP to H2 Mobility

Change from CEP to H2 Mobility


The new H2 brand logo

One considerable barrier to establishing hydrogen transportation in Germany is the relatively small number of filling stations that exists across the country. Until the end of 2016, setting up an H2 infrastructure was primarily the task of the Clean Energy Partnership, or CEP for short. This year, responsibility was handed over to H2 Mobility Germany, and while the new management seems deeply committed to the task, the transfer from publicly supported showcase project to private-sector joint venture poses more difficulties than had been expected. (more…)

Austria Promotes H2 and Fuel Cell Use

Austria Promotes H2 and Fuel Cell Use


Pilsbach, © RAG /

Like Germany, Austria offers government funding and many public-private demonstration projects in support of the introduction of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. Where potential applications are concerned, the country’s focus is on transportation, albeit interest in energy supply seems to be on the rise (more…)
