
Car and oil companies advertise for e-fuels

Car and oil companies advertise for e-fuels

This chemical plant for the production of e-fuels is already on its way to Chile., © MAN Energy Solutions

Chemical plant for the production of e-fuels is on its way to Chile, © MAN Energy Solutions

Industry fears that so-called e-fuels could be a similar flop to biofuels are high. There are too many parallels. Which is why some players are very unsettled. There are also numerous critics warning against extending the life of internal combustion engines. On the other hand, synthetic fuels offer a great opportunity, especially for the until now market-dominating corporations to maintain their influence. In addition, many billions of euros in revenue beckon. Hence this attempt to shed some light on the e-fuel debate. (more…)

CH2ILE – The hidden hydrogen champion

CH2ILE – The hidden hydrogen champion

Mining truck
Mining truck, © Anglo American

In 1883, the War of the Pacific, also known as the Saltpeter War, ended with the victory of Chile over Peru and Bolivia and Chile’s annexation of the Tarapacá and Antofagasta regions. But why go to war over the world’s driest desert? The area was rich in gold, albeit not the traditional kind.

Tesla: Much Hype – Much Disagreement Among Analysts

Tesla: Much Hype – Much Disagreement Among Analysts


Model X, © Tesla

Many big boys – as the leading US investment banks are called – have given Tesla an unquestionably positive rating. CEO Elon Musk understands how to polarize as well as convince analysts, but at the end of the day only hard facts count. The Credit Suisse analyst specializing in the field already expects a profit of US$ 4.00 per share for fiscal year 2016, since there had allegedly been so many orders for Model X, which would impact earnings. (more…)