
Pedal Cycles Run on Fuel Cells Too

Pedal Cycles Run on Fuel Cells Too


Linde H2 Bike

The idea has already been tossed around for twenty years – now it is finally being realized: The development of a market-ready fuel cell bike. As gas specialist Linde announced in November 2015, it took in-house engineers less than three months to design an electric-assisted pedal cycle equipped with a fuel cell instead of a battery pack. The required hydrogen is brought along in a composite tank, which can hold 34 grams of the gas (more…)

H2 Mobility Officially Launched

H2 Mobility Officially Launched


Frank Sreball

Oct. 13, 2015, was the official start of activities for H2 Mobility Germany. After the joint-venture consisting of six industry partners had already been founded in January last year (see July 2015), the joint launch came in fall in the presence of the Federal Minister of Transport, Alexander Dobrindt, and all company representatives. This meant that the organization’s CEO, Frank Sreball, had nine months to familiarize himself with the issues (more…)

New E License Plate

New E License Plate

license-plateThere is the next step after introducing the electric vehicle bill (in force since June 12, 2015): Since the end of September last year, i.e., as long as the relevant amendment has been in effect, owners of electric cars have been able to apply for special license plates. The black E after the number on the plate could mean they enjoy certain privileges, for example, if a community has approved bus lanes for electric cars to drive on (more…)