
Natural hydrogen

Natural hydrogen

© Prinzhofer et al., 2018
© Prinzhofer et al., 2018

A promising source of clean and renewable energy

Natural hydrogen gas is known on Earth since the 1920’s. However, its potential interest as an exploitable source of energy has been growing in the past ten years. Early discoveries were either forgotten and neglected (Australia, Kansas, USA, Brazil, Mali) or located in remote areas where little if no economic interests can be devised (Mid-oceanic ridges, mountain chains).

The bigger picture brings greater justice

The bigger picture brings greater justice

Future accounting calculates sustainability

Christian Hiß
Hiss: “They key is to change the way we account for profits and losses.”

Money makes the world go round. Companies seek to maximize profits, countries their GDPs. In both cases, we are dealing with figures in dollars, euros or some other currency. But what about values or services without a price tag? Such as employee health. The advice and expertise of colleagues freshly retired. What is the long-term cost of cutting down a forest? How expensive is sustainable (or industrial) farming? So far, most accounting revolves solely around financial issues.

Lift-off for hydrogen-powered aircraft?

Lift-off for hydrogen-powered aircraft?

Airbus wants fuel cell planes by 2035 – HY4 receives flight permit

Is this the future of flying? © DLR

Discussions regarding hydrogen as an optional, exceedingly lightweight aviation fuel are not at all new. One major drawback in switching from kerosene to another energy carrier is the corresponding, complete infrastructure overhaul. Due cause for hesitation. Regardless, some companies are seriously pushing to put hydrogen back on the agenda. Notably, last September, Toulouse-based Airbus announced the intention to bring to market a fuel cell-powered aircraft “by 2035.” Many other businesses have also presented plans to launch zero-emission aviation.

Put it on the agenda

Put it on the agenda

Christoph von Knobelsdorff

Interview with NOW chief executive Kurt-Christoph von Knobelsdorff

As of May 15, 2020, the National Organization for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (NOW) has a new chief executive. Formerly Klaus Bonhoff, who has moved to the German transportation ministry, his successor is Kurt-Christoph von Knobelsdorff. Now is the time to take stock and ask what the future holds.

Lift-off for hydrogen-powered aircraft?

The Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Observatory

The go-to resource for all things fuel cells & hydrogen

Where do you go to, to get curated facts on all things related to fuel cells and hydrogen? You could spend several hours searching project information or browsing company sites, digging around to find anything useful, or you could go straight to the fuel cells and hydrogen observatory (FCHO), a portal launched in September 2020 as the go-to resource for anyone wanting to find statistics, data and information about the sector. The Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Joint Undertaking awarded the contract for the development and operation of the online portal and information source to the energy transition and strategy consultants, E4tech who worked with a team of industry actors to deliver this resource.
